Unconscious Bias

Are you a Conscious Leader?

Such a proud moment to hear CEO speak about #BreakThrough and the Women@Fin**tra initiative on the big screen at Global Sales Kick Off FY19 in Malta on 13th Jun 2018 – exactly a year after Fin**tra was born!

After the excitement surrounding International Women's Day, it is energizing to see such wide and strong endorsement of the behind the scenes hard work so many teams have put in to get this initiative off the ground!

What is Unconscious Bias?
Each of us grow up with varied experiences in different countries with different family and schooling environments and hence every judgement and decision we make is influenced by our own experiences, beliefs and environments.
The family you were born into, the culture you grew up in, the food you eat, the language(s) you speak, the environment that surrounds you, your immediate family and friends, your childhood and school, the repeated statements and judgments you heard from your family, your peers and friends over several years … each of these can have a long lasting impact on your biases and hence your decision making…
We now live and work in globally diverse community which is an true amalgamation of cultures and mindsets and hence it’s even more important to be mindful and aware of peoples sensitivities. As the saying goes, “One person’s stone is another person’s god”
There is no right of wrong in being biased - the important thing is to understand and acknowledge your biases and do something about it.
What is Conscious Leadership?
What Conscious Leadership seeks to do is not have this cloud your judgement and to make decisions on a sound basis. Each of us are leaders in the sense we are role models and examples of what good looks like at Fin**tra.
Fin**tra is going through an extremely exciting phase of rolling out Conscious Leadership training (via workshops and webinars run by Dr. Jo Kandola from The Bias Gym and videos launched via our integrated e-learning platform) focusing on Gender to start with, followed by Disability, LGBTQ, Thought, Multicultural, and Multi-generational biases.
Why is this important?
Everyone will be more self-aware of the impact of their personal behaviors and attitudes. It will change the way people think, shortlist, interview, hire, retain, promote, mentor ad behave with their peers and teams … and open up Fin**tra to be a force to be reckoned with!
There are different kinds of bias and we will be focusing on Gender bias to start with… ELT and FLT have committed to this programme and attended workshops in March 2018 - there will be an ongoing series of workshops and webinars to make us more self aware and the impact we have.
Additionally we will be launching e-learning videos via our integrated Fi***ra Learning Management system that will help spread the message wider and deeper.
This will be a true BreakThrough… each of us have a part to play in bringing about change so reach out to me or your local Site Ambassadors for more details and be that link … let’s make this #Breakthrough happen!
Feel very passionately about this and am pretty excited and enthusiastic to be part of a strong and diverse team leading this and the sea change of attitude that we will be embarking on. Huge shout out to @Jo**na Pu*h, @Ch***tte de***tz, @Sh***a O'H*****y for all their hard work, encouragement and support! We would not be here if it wasn’t for them.

Who are the Workstream Lead Volunteers:
  • Data Analysis - @***** ******
  • Community Networks – @V***a R*o
  • Sponsorship – @B*x G****n
  • Learning – @J***e B****es
  • Conscious Leadership – @R****i P******ar
  • Diversity & INclusion– @Sh***a O'H*****y
  • INfinity / Communication – @N***la H*****on
How can you get involved?
If this is an area of interest and passion for you and you would like to volunteer and get involved in driving and effecting change, drop us a line on womenatfina***a@m****s.com and one of us will get back to you!

Fin**tra is a fictional firm
